Well, here I am!
I've finally missed a week's update of The Weekly Stupids but blame me not. Rather blame the lack of a decent internet connection in the area that I currently reside in. I'm pretty sure that once I'm done with this post it'll be another few days before I can check my email again. At least I was able to keep me updated for some time, thanks to Twitter!
People, I feel like I must deliver a message of Public interest:
Never. EVER. Fly Cathay Pacific.
Lemme tell you what happened. So we're scheduled to take off at 11:30 pm. To beat the rush we checked in way earlier at around 3:00 pm so that not only could we show up to the airport later, we could grab dinner with a guest too. So we does all that. When we finally get to the airport, turns out that our flight CX 750 had been delayed by almost an hour. It's now scheduled departure time is 12:20 am.
No biggie we thought, another hour's wait isn't all that bad. So we waited. And waited. 11:45pm, waiting and no announcements on our plane. 12:00 am, still waiting. Gate empty and no aircraft or officials. Finally at 12:20 am, with no plane in sight and no Cathay officials to answer our questions, I got fed up enough to go talk to the airport officials, who were nice enough to inform me that CX 750 never really left Mumbai for Dubai in the first place and that our flight had been canceled. Cathay Pacific officials however decided it would be a good idea for them to sit on their asses and not tell us.
Scrambled about a bit and got the contact details for one of the officials. Masroor called up and gave him hell repeatedly. When we finally met them we told him that we needed to fly out the same day to catch a meeting *coughweddingcough*. After much bickering, the Cathay fellow was able to send Masroor and Mum on an EK flight at 9 in the morning, and check the maid and I in for a 6pm flight the next day. That's not too bad I thought.
The next day I show up at the airport at 2:30pm (once again to beat the smelly rush). Cathay Pacific however had something else in mind. It turns out that showing up early has absolutely not meaning to them and they made me wait until 5:00pm until they finally processed me and my passport/boarding pass etc, along with all the other passengers that showed up 5 minutes prior to that. Fuckers.
Moving on, our flight was delayed still and we only took off at 7:30pm. The flight itself, wasn't too bad.
When we landed, I rushed out as usual got us through passport control and was one of the first at the baggage claim. I now expected to wait a little bit before I got my stuff, because our bags had been forwarded first, and so our stuff would be right at the back, so I expected to wait.
3 hours later, when the conveyor belt finally stopped and the airport official announced, 'No more bags,' somewhere in my mind I blew a fuse. I did not receive ANY of the 3 bags that were supposed to be there. And not only me, about another 20 odd passengers as well.
For the next 1 hour, no Cathay Pacific official showed his or her face. Needless to say we were all tired, hungry, and VERY pissed off. When an official did show up, he got hell and a half from all the passengers. Many even demanded refunds. After much bickering, swearing, yelling and the like, they took down all our details and told us that they'd have our bags in by the next day.
Which they eventually did. At least they kept THAT part of their word.
Whoo and now the wedding's over and I'm officially on vacation. I checked my email after 3 days and my reader was nuts! The wedding was actually a lot of fun and I'm actually having a good time.
I tried replying to your message but wasn't able to get through for some reason. Weird. It let me reply to others but for some reason denied me when I tried to reply to you.
Disclaimer: Somewhere on this blog are multiple grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and obscure Star Wars references.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
FINALLY got myself to sit down and put up another update. It's been awhile since I blogged, and I whole - heartedly blame GITEX for that. I've got a swell job working for the ESL at it's stall, where it's tied up with the organizers to create a gaming tournament. I've also made decent contacts and am looking into getting part time jobs in other places. More on that later.
I love people who contradict themselves. It's hilarious. I also love irony, have I mentioned that anytime?
I am traveling to India on the night of the 23rd, to attend a first cousin's wedding. Joy.
Is it just me or do I not update my twitter as much as other folks do.
The next 2 weeks might see a pause in regular updates due to my impending journey, however I should be able to update from India. We're tech - savvy there too, so it really shouldn't be a problem. I'd prefer to do it at a laptop though, but hey, beggars, choosers and all that.
I won some Gears of War 2 merchandise at GITEX today. The guys who own the stall that has GOW2 set up were so.. (looking for the right word here).. amused?.. that I'd be there for a few hours everyday, that they gave me a whole bunch of stuff. Should go along nicely with my bag. Barry got the same stuff too. He didn't deserve it though. He's not even a 360 fan! GOW 2 comes out November 7th if I remember correctly, so give maybe a week to when it releases in Virgin over here. I'm gonna be right there with some pesos to get my copy. Unless I'm getting it as a present, then that would be some money saved.
Three songs. 'Stop and Stare' by One Republic and, 'Glycerine' by BUSH and 'Replacement Killers,' by The Chemical Brothers, refuse to leave my brain waves. Maybe it has to do with the fact that they're play at or around our stall all day. Which means I listen to them, collectively, for about 10 hours a day. That can't be good, right?
For some reason I've been quite busy lately. Not including the current time I spend at GITEX. Even for a good 2 weeks prior to GITEX, I've been swamped with University assignments and deadlines. It's like all our modules decided that the best deadlines were the ones that are within a day or two of each other. So we ended up having more than 4 deadlines in the past 2 weeks. Busy busy busy busy busy.
There are times that I wish Manipal University was more... cerebral. In fact, there are a lot of times where I think that. In fact, it's all the time. Walking down our nauseating corridors watching (smelling?) my peers around me. Some of them good, most of them not. I shudder at the thought of having to call some of these people as my peers. Damn.
I'm doing fine, thanks for asking!
*At this point I hear howling laughter from my brother's room. And it's still going on....*
Now I want to watch something funny. Hmm.....
*And there it is again...*
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Weekly Stupids V1P7 - Equal Opportunity
(Sorry for the late update)
Now, while this may not necessarily showcase stupidity (I actually think it's kinda cool and want to try it out myself), it's nice to see that in America you can get a job no matter how well you're displaced. That's one way to throw a positive light on obesity...
Fat Kids ARE useful...
I want to be the kid who gets launched..
The Weekly Stupids
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Ballads of M. Yaaaaaaaaay!
"After much deep and profound brain things inside my head, I've decided.." [end Madagascar rip - off] to start another weekly article that I will take out possibly every Tuesday. It's a little place for me to obsess about stuff that, while may not be important to others at all, might just bother me somewhat and is a nice little way for me to get it off my chest.
I guess I already had a 'Personal' label for that, but those can also be friend, family, University, work related stuff. To a certain extent, 'Rant' could also do the same. But some of my posts, like this one, can't be categorized all too well. I mean yeah, they're rants, and yeah, they're personal too, but they're also thought invoking. And more than just posting about it, I want people to read it and begin thinking about it themselves.
So maybe, this little thing will push me into a little more serious tone of writing my thoughts on opinions on (possibly) non-important matters that bother me. I call it:
The Ballads of M.
I don't know. I'll give it a shot. Maybe it'll work, maybe not. Orrite, on a more realistic note, I may NOT update EVERY Tuesday or on Tuesdays at all, but I'll see how far I can keep it up. If I can, then yay! If not, then maybe I'll figure something else out to make me a better writer.
The Ballads Of M,
Monday, October 13, 2008
Ok, so I've known a few people through other people. I hear stories and whatnot. And sometimes, these stories beg the question, 'What are they doing with their lives?'
I mean, I'm currently 20 years old. Give it another 2 months and I'll hit 21. I'll be at the beginning of my professional development. And even I think that I'm not doing nearly enough to make sure that my future is carved in a very wealthy stone... (at the very least). And even if I were to look around I see people who like to have a good time, but still have their priorities well set enough to know when to knock back a few drinks and when to crack open a few books. So it's not like I don't know people who put in efforts while at the same time like to relax a lot.
But sometimes, there are those few that I hear about who never attend classes, fail semesters, and that doesn't seem to bother them one bit. You know? If you're gonna be a drop out, at least make sure that you've actually dropped out. Don't let your parents $$$$ go to waste. YOU may want to have a blast now, but I'm certain your parents don't think of you as a waste of money, so stop taking that for granted.
People who make their folks pay for University but don't attend anyway and spend their time bumming around should be shot. Or crucified. Or anally raped with a blowtorch. Or all three in reverse succession.
Everyone's heard of LOLcats. From one of their branches, I present:
I scoured the website to bring you some of their funniest shit. Most of 'em are anti-McCain, but there are a few that were just WAY cool..
[Forgive the terrible formatting.. Wasn't able to outsmart Blogger's not so great picture upload thing... :( ]

American Elections,
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I love MSN... (sometimes) .. & Comic Timing.. (all the time)
Moe says (2:00 PM):
Was it all uncomfortable and shit?
MaWreeNa says (1:59 PM):
no things are good now :)
MaWreeNa says (1:59 PM):
VERY good
Moe says (2:00 PM):
Moe says (2:00 PM):
You made out, a LOT, huh?
MaWreeNa says (2:00 PM):
Moe says (2:01 PM):
Moe says (2:01 PM):
(That was funny.. and it's going on to my blog.. :D)
MaWreeNa says (2:01 PM):
i swear
MaWreeNa says (2:01 PM):
we didnt make out. we were at the airport. airport got LOTS of cops
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Weekly Stupids V1P6 - I wouldn't pay for her...
Whooo Friday and right on time! Haven't missed one so far *crosses fingers*
Today's TWS is brought to you by Lhjunkie. This was her recommendation and is our FIRST guest feature on this weekly strip.
One of the worst, 'The Price Is Right,' players ever!
The Weekly Stupids
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
The last 7 days have been CRAZY!
Ok so exactly one week ago (last Tuesday) was Eid. And that is normally pretty insane around the J household. Either way it's all over and done with and the collections are, well, collected. Last Thursday I got out and played some Paintball so that was fun!
Apart from this session, I had not touched my laptop for over 2 days. That would be the single largest amount of time I've spent away from all things internet WHILE having a laptop in my possession. We had a project/assignment to give in today, and that effectively took up all my laptop time. I, however, made sure that it did NOT interfere with GOW ( For the 21st time :D ), GTA IV, FIFA 2009 and Virtua Tennis 3 time. So now we know where my priorities lie. Oh, and I can't wait to get my hands on GOW2 and Resident Evil 5.
* at this point I was called out of my room to assemble Zayd's new toy. It's his birthday today so he got this huge contraption in which you drop a marble and it goes here and there and a roll here and a zip there. It's neat. Theoretically. It doesn't fit for shit. We're returning it tomorrow. Oh, and we also got 6 Goldfish. Zayd promptly named all of them "Fishy."
SO, we finished the project that we started. 2 of my college buddies spent the night and we elbow greased it all the way. The assignment was to build a newspaper from scratch. We managed a 12 page broadsheet in 2 days. We were given more about 3 weeks. Not bad eh?
I'd been wanting this bag for some time. Yesterday I got is as an Eid present from her. Yaay! Thank you so much :)
I'm just about as good in paintball as I remembered myself to be. Joy! Although I made a blunder and shot Hussein from point blank range using a hair triggered Inspire Nano marker. Blamed meself, but then did some research and it turns out that a lot of people have complained about the trigger of the marker. Either way, Hussein wasn't hurt so t'was all good in the end. Oh, and I made up my mind about which marker I AM going to purchase and it's this one. It's one of the most basic ones and is cheaper but, it's also the most popular as it can be easily upgraded. And I prefer it due it's trigger. Not a speedball gun, but makes great for woodball. I also have 2 barrels in mind. Let's see. Need the moolah first.
Uzma left University for good now and joined the American University in the Emirates. She's next door, but has evening classes. Poor lass.
That's that for now. For some reason as I posted a mental note in my cranium to write this post I always remember having more to write about. Can't seem to remember it now though.
Oh well.
List of Celebrities supporting Barack Obama
A quick list of some celebrities supporting BO and his campaign. They're hyperlinked to whatever page I could find which would be relevant. Meh.
- Oprah Winfrey
- Halle Berry
- Robert De Niro
- Matt Damon
- George Clooney
- Kal Penn
- Al Gore
- Bill Clinton
- Hillary Clinton
- John Edwards
- Scarlet Johannsen
- Caroline Kennedy
- Ed Norton
- Will Smith
- Rob Reiner
- Laurence Fishburne
- Warren Buffet
- Sharon Stone
(around this point I got bored of looking for links... so.. Just read..) - Stephen Colbert
- Jessica Biel
- Pete Wentz
- Chris Rock
- Kareem Abdul Jabbar
- The Black Eyed Peas
- Jamie Foxx
- Kanye West
- Ashley Judd
- Jennifer Lopez
- Anne Hathaway
- Charlize Theron
- Ron Meyer
- Jessica Alba
- Michael Jordan
- Morgan Freeman
- Eddie Murphy
- Jon Bon Jovi
- Goo Goo Dolls
- Danny Devito
- Steven Speilberg
- Tom Hanks
- Denzel Washington [DUH!]
- Tauqeer Jamadar
- Ben Stiller
- Barbara Streisand
- Brad Grey
- Richard Cook
- Jennifer Garner [ ;-) ]
While this list is not conclusive it's merely a reminder to showcase Obama's popularity with the folks of the US of A.
Suck on THAT McCain.
American Elections,
Friday, October 03, 2008
The Weekly Stupids V1P5 - Stupid Gameshow Answers
So I found this User on Youtube who collects, archives and broadcasts videos of very stupid game show answers. So to help ME save time this Friday, I'm gonna post this weeks TWS as one of his videos..
Stupid Game Show Answers - Best of the Worst
(Sorry for the cheap post this time, I'm kinda clogged up with University. I've got 2 drafts in and they'll be up in the next 2 days I promise!)
Stupid Game Show Answers - Best of the Worst
(Sorry for the cheap post this time, I'm kinda clogged up with University. I've got 2 drafts in and they'll be up in the next 2 days I promise!)
The Weekly Stupids
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