Two days ago, on the 30th of December, 2006, in the early mornings of Eid al-Adha, Saddam Hussein was hanged from the very gallows that he used as punishment. He was hanged till he died, and in the following days was buried near his home village in Tikrit.
1) Was Saddam’s trial a fair one?
2) If it was, then can it be applied to other Head’s of States that are responsible for genocides and deaths of innocents?
These questions, more importantly the second one, obviously have very profound implications. I’m going to let you decide for yourself what’s what.
[edit] P.s. This is only a small article to highlight the event. Another article to come up to discuss the event. [edit]
zZz -_-
boring .. =P
my 2 cents on the topic..
they shouldve just let saddam live out the rest of his life in some jail cell somewhere..
thats a bit like im thinking it would mean more to him than death..
he died like a man..refusing to even cover his face..but then he had no other choice and he knew that..he was a broken man..yet he didnt show it..i have to respect him for that..
and yes..the trial was unjust and biased..the shiites and the american muthaf***s just wanted him dead..his daughters kept on fighting to get him tried by an international court rather than an iraqi one..but that would not be allowed..because it mightve actually meant that he would get a fair trial.. did not make sense to execute him at this moment..because even though he was convicted for one crime..there are many other trials which have not started yet..and he was the main defendant in most, if not all, of them..
ah well..thats said and then..
some people are actually saying that he will go straight to heaven because he was executed on Eid..
may Allah rest his soul -_-
can i edit my article somehow?:P
because what i meant was that
"if saddam was left in a jail cell to live out the rest of his life, the "effect" it would have on him would be more profound than the effect death would have on him..because if he had been imprisoned and not executed, he would have to live with his deeds haunting him for the rest of his life like an animal caged in a zoo..
out of here..
dinner time :D
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