Disclaimer: Somewhere on this blog are multiple grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and obscure Star Wars references.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Iraq Body Count

Ever since the Iraq war began 6 years ago, the number of civilian losses have always been both a matter of dispute and shame.

I stumbled upon this website a few years ago and since have kept returning ever so often to keep track and to keep myself updated on Iraqi issues. This wonderful website is run by volunteers who painstakingly keep track of the dead and try to identify and list them. However, with the growing capacity of the website, and unfortunately the dead, the site is crumbling under the fiscal burden imposed on it and so need donations to keep going.

I added a Web Counter that the site developed onto my blog and it shows the latest estimates of dead civilians. The counter is on the right and is updated frequently. The numbers will shock you.

I could not donate any money myself, as I own no credit card nor bank account, but I think that what this site is doing is something very noble in today's world and I'm gonna try and help them get their funding in any way possible.

One hell of a job guys. Keep it up.

Iraq Body Count.
