Disclaimer: Somewhere on this blog are multiple grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and obscure Star Wars references.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Well thank you, Becca..

July's here. Half the year is over. That would mean just about 5 more months till winter, December and other festivities of great joy. Btw T-Mac this whole, "Challenge" business is a good way to keep me on my toes. I still want my laptop back from the service guys though. Blogging on the family desktop is not very comforting.

I've just learned that I've been invited to the Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference. GYLC certainly has it's upsides and if Obama does win then I believe this will certainly be a historic moment. Ever since GYLC I've ignored the other conferences due to lack of funds and/or clashes with my exam schedule but I really DO want to go for this 4 day conference. I think this is pretty big and I wouldn't want to miss it.

And so the sponsor hunt begins! Now, I'll need money for the following things:
  1. Flight tickets, to and from
  2. The conference fee.
  3. Food & other expenses.
Now while this list isn't big, the first 2 slots are really large chunks. The conference fee will probably be the biggest amount that I'd have to pay and come this weekend, I will actively begin a sponsor hunt.

The world NEEDS me to be there when Obama wins (InshAllah).

(Ok, that's not true at all, and my presence there would be insignificant to the world and Obama, but THINK of all the possibilities and the experience. It's my ego that needs me to be there more than anything else.)

SO, off the top of my head, what kind of firms can I approach and get them to part with their hard earned money.
  1. Media-related firms. Maybe I could offer insider information or document the whole journey. I know that I'll be given a LOT of documents when I'm there and according to the invitation plan I meet a lot of people, INCLUDING a (and I quote), "Major Presidential Candidate." So it could just be their marketing guys or who knows.
  2. Banks and Construction firms. They have a lot of cash.
  3. Airlines. If I want to get free tickets I'm gonna have to start looking for the tickets NOW because most airlines decide their sponsor budgets a year in advance.
So that's my detailed list and let's see what I can get done.

Moving on, that was my post on life and now a little round of 20 questions.

1. What is your favorite food?
Noodles & Sausages

2. What was your happiest moment when you were a child?
No defining moment, but I did have a decently happy childhood.

3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Boston. Turkey. And New York City again.

4. Which part of you do you hate the most?
The overthinker/second guesser part.

5. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do?
Ignore it for the most bit and then get all weird and angryquiet.

6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Other people's respect.

7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Secure my and my family's (immediate and soon-to-be's) future and then divide the rest amongst charities. I'd probably invest a little too.

8. What do you love the most about last year (2007)?
Not much. Last year was weird. Ramadan last year was great though :)

9. Which actor/actress would you like to play you in a movie?
Edward Norton.

10. How do you cope with boredom?
I agree with the T. Internet

11. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most?
Not trying hard enough to keep in touch with friends.

12. What type of person do you hate the most?
Impatient, arrogant, narrow-minded.. And nice-to-your-face people..

13. What is your ambition?
To live my life healty, successfull and with a great family to top it off.

14. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
I'd wish for Telekinesis.

15. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
A dolphin. For multiple reasons ( ;) )

16. What has been the craziest thing Well... now...

17. What do you look forward to in the remainder of 2008?
Earning more. Working harder. Getting better.

18. If your life is a song, what title best fits it?
Oasis - Wonderwall. It's been my soundtrack for a while now.

19. If you were to change one event in your life, what would it be?
My metabolism.

20. Who are you going to tag?
T-Mac, the Junkie and my property.

Anywhoo. That's that for today. See y'all later.




Anonymous said...

I'll take you to Turkey, and happily join you in Boston and NYC...

btw... when is your conference.... where is it? lemme knwo and if the time is right I wouldnt mind going on a "holiday" - again.... As it stands - I have 20.5 days left; 10 days in the summer, + 2 elsewhere - so I have 8.5 days left..... :D

MaliZOMG said...

Ackshoolly, the conference is between the 17th and 21st of January. But it's GYLC Alumnus only. I dunno if you'd be able to come, although that would've been OZZUM.


Anonymous said...

I got invited too! Daddy said I can't go =(

I'll be in FL at the time anyway. YOU HAVE TO COME VISIT ME.

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