Disclaimer: Somewhere on this blog are multiple grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and obscure Star Wars references.

Friday, September 05, 2008


So my visiting brother finally left a couple of nights ago. This saw my glorious return to my room. However this moment of peace and tranquility will be extremely short lived as in a few days I shall be having a visiting aunt and uncle over and so will see my posterior lobbed back onto the couch in the living room. Recently, UK blogger TJ was witness to this treatment and I've always wondered what he thought about our couch-bed.

A month or so ago, I started a little project where I would, on a blog, make a showcase of the falling average in American IQ levels. For reasons yet unbeknown to me I shut it down. Probably because no one ever visited. THEREFORE, my genius brain has come up with this mind-b(l)oggling plan to have a weekly article called... *drum roll* The Weekly Stupids, which will publish every Friday. Here I will showcase all that I did on that blog. And so this way at least it will have some readership and at the same time my blog will get more hits. Joy!

I've also realized that I never make use of the 'labels' feature. I really should, it would make my blog a little more accessible. Henceforth, all posts will have labels. Yay! Big resolution. Maybe I'll also have a limited number of labels making everything more... categorized?

At this point I spent a good 45 minutes labeling ALL of my past posts. I am now late for a task that I was supposed to have started at 3 o clock. It is currently 3:36pm and now I've gotta make a run for it. But that can wait. First I finish post!

Lastly, University has reopened and now I am in my Junior year. Just this year and one more left after which I can wash my hands clean off Manipal University (as it is now known). The flip side to going to such a terrible university is how well I am doing for myself otherwise. I'm doing well academically, I have a job in the Media industry with one of the biggest local media giants, working to develop one of their premier websites. I also am a property agent with DAMAC properties, one of the biggest Master Developers in the UAE. I'm also just really really cool.




Alt.Ctrl.Del said...

Woohoo! I'm glad you're doing so well, mashAllah! I hope everything continues to go superwell for you! Just a question - HOW on earth are you a junior?! I thought you were a sophomore!!

MaliZOMG said...

My university years break down is as such:

Freshman - foundation
Sophomore - 1st year
Junior - 2nd year
Senior - 3rd year

I joined in my Sophomore year and so skipped my Freshman year. Hence I am in my second year of my degree making me a Junior. Also I'm just really cool...

:D Miss you.


Em said...

:) yes, we are like totally cool! *flicks hair*

MaliZOMG said...

Ah yes,

about the media giants: When do we sign our contracts?


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