Disclaimer: Somewhere on this blog are multiple grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and obscure Star Wars references.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


The last 7 days have been CRAZY!

Ok so exactly one week ago (last Tuesday) was Eid. And that is normally pretty insane around the J household. Either way it's all over and done with and the collections are, well, collected. Last Thursday I got out and played some Paintball so that was fun!

Apart from this session, I had not touched my laptop for over 2 days. That would be the single largest amount of time I've spent away from all things internet WHILE having a laptop in my possession. We had a project/assignment to give in today, and that effectively took up all my laptop time. I, however, made sure that it did NOT interfere with GOW ( For the 21st time :D ), GTA IV, FIFA 2009 and Virtua Tennis 3 time. So now we know where my priorities lie. Oh, and I can't wait to get my hands on GOW2 and Resident Evil 5.

* at this point I was called out of my room to assemble Zayd's new toy. It's his birthday today so he got this huge contraption in which you drop a marble and it goes here and there and a roll here and a zip there. It's neat. Theoretically. It doesn't fit for shit. We're returning it tomorrow. Oh, and we also got 6 Goldfish. Zayd promptly named all of them "Fishy."

SO, we finished the project that we started. 2 of my college buddies spent the night and we elbow greased it all the way. The assignment was to build a newspaper from scratch. We managed a 12 page broadsheet in 2 days. We were given more about 3 weeks. Not bad eh?

I'd been wanting this bag for some time. Yesterday I got is as an Eid present from her. Yaay! Thank you so much :)

I'm just about as good in paintball as I remembered myself to be. Joy! Although I made a blunder and shot Hussein from point blank range using a hair triggered Inspire Nano marker. Blamed meself, but then did some research and it turns out that a lot of people have complained about the trigger of the marker. Either way, Hussein wasn't hurt so t'was all good in the end. Oh, and I made up my mind about which marker I AM going to purchase and it's this one. It's one of the most basic ones and is cheaper but, it's also the most popular as it can be easily upgraded. And I prefer it due it's trigger. Not a speedball gun, but makes great for woodball. I also have 2 barrels in mind. Let's see. Need the moolah first.

Uzma left University for good now and joined the American University in the Emirates. She's next door, but has evening classes. Poor lass.

That's that for now. For some reason as I posted a mental note in my cranium to write this post I always remember having more to write about. Can't seem to remember it now though.

Oh well.




Em said...

really cool bag

Anonymous said...

As a gold fish owner (well, I think it's still alive) - here's what you do when you get bored one afternoon.... put your finger against the tank so the it attracts the fishes attention; then as they come closer - poke the tank and watch them panic :D (hours of sadistic fun!). But you know the best part? You can try it 10 seconds later, and they would have forgotten! :D

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