Disclaimer: Somewhere on this blog are multiple grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and obscure Star Wars references.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Brabus Rocket. Yes. I touched one.
In one of my recent posts, I mentioned that the one thing I'd want to own is a Brabus Rocket. This car has been a dream vehicle for quite some time.....
So when I see it outside my University, I make my first ever vlog..
(Did I mention I'm not an awesome vlogger yet?)
To be brutally honest, this particular model had the trim of a regular CLS 350. Theoretically, the Rocket is supposed to be a Brabus version of the CLS 65 AMG. Although, I guess, it is possible for someone to buy the regular 350 and have it transformed into the Rocket anyway, so it doesn't matter. Although I personally prefer the trim and the rims of AMG.
What I'm also going to do is add another video of the Rocket with it's proper trim as it was tested on, 'Fifth Gear.' Here I guess you'll see a much better version of what I humbly tried to do..
On the right is a picture of the Rocket being used as a police vehicle in the Vatican, making it the fastest police vehicle on the planet..
Monday, November 24, 2008
Oooooooooh cool! Zemanta is wicked!
Zemanta is essentially a post enhancer, where it adds relevant links, pictures, tags, etc. to your blog post making it way cooler. I probably won't use the tags, but I'm going to look into using the pictures and the links in future posts.
I'm still experimenting with what this nifty little add-on can do, so expect a world of test posts in the near future.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down
I was going through my tags just a few minutes ago and was looking at how frequent each one was. When I saw that my Music tag was the least I thought to myself, 'Post a song that's really been on your head lately..' You know, to balance things out a little..
I jumped onto the 'tube and after thinking only a little, I decided I'd do Hands Down by Dashboard Confessional. It's been on my mind a lot lately, and the song has great meaning to me and someone else. I've loved this song for a long time and this version that I found is one that I particularly enjoyed.
And, above that, GFWMG is celebrating it's 150th post! Great co-incidence and an even better way to celebrate it.
Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down [Live at Abbey Road]
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Weekly Stupids V1P8 - The Return of the Stupids
The long awaited return of the hotly anticipated, 'The Weekly Stupids" has now come to a halt as today we resume the largely well-liked weekly post.
HOWEVER, this is underway, only with a slight change of plan.
Subsequent to the Americans growing some gray cells and putting Obama in charge, The Weekly Stupids will now, instead of showcasing American stupidity, showcase all kinds of stupidity, from all races and corners of the world. It will also include regular humour, but I'll try and narrow it down to vlogs or something TWS worthy..
Going through the 'tube the other day, and came across this. I personally am NOT racist in any form, but I do enjoy racist jokes. Anything that can help transcend racial boundaries in a light hearted manner is cool with me.
Either way, this shit cracked me up.
(Warning: Strong Language)
Keeping your refrigerator stocked will get you many women.
The Weekly Stupids
Thursday, November 20, 2008
You're not alone..
"We're not alone,
There is more to this I know,
You can make it out,
You will live to tell."
- You're Not Alone, Saosin
There is more to this I know,
You can make it out,
You will live to tell."
- You're Not Alone, Saosin
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Meme a Meme..
I don't normally do meme's but T does them all the time so, nyeh, why not..
Where is your cell phone? On my wallet, which is on the study.
Where is your significant other? Will let you know asap.
You hair colour? Black
Your mum? Watching the telly downstairs..
Dad? Probably the same thing as mum..
One favourite thing? A certain type of weather.. Light rain in the early morning or the wee hours of the night.. :)
Your dream last night? Not a clue.
Your dream goal? Be successful, make those close to me proud of me, and be everything and more for my family..
The room you're in? Mine.. (currently)
Your hobby? Anything video gamey.
Your fear? Losing.. Anything...
Where do you want to be in six years? A nice place in life :)
Where were you last night? In bed early..
What you're not? Obnoxious.
One of your wish list items? A Brabus Rocket.
Where you grew up? Dubai, UAE
The last thing you did? Played Gears Of War 2.. It's friggin' BRILLIANT!
What are you wearing? Grey T-Shirt with a nice drawing of a stick man waving. And chaddis.
Your TV? Downstairs
Your pets? None atm, but come February I will be getting a cat or two.
Your computer? A nice little Toshiba..
Your mood? Calm. Not pensive though..
Missing someone? :)
Your car? Car? Who me? I'm poor, no car..
Something you're not wearing? Tightie Whities.. It's been awhile.
Favourite drink? Water
Your summer? Good first half, not so much the second..
Love someone? :)
Your favourite colour? Blood red / maroon
When was the last time you laughed? A bunch of times today. I like to keep things on the uppity up..
When was the last time you cried? ??
Where is your cell phone? On my wallet, which is on the study.
Where is your significant other? Will let you know asap.
You hair colour? Black
Your mum? Watching the telly downstairs..
Dad? Probably the same thing as mum..
One favourite thing? A certain type of weather.. Light rain in the early morning or the wee hours of the night.. :)
Your dream last night? Not a clue.
Your dream goal? Be successful, make those close to me proud of me, and be everything and more for my family..
The room you're in? Mine.. (currently)
Your hobby? Anything video gamey.
Your fear? Losing.. Anything...
Where do you want to be in six years? A nice place in life :)
Where were you last night? In bed early..
What you're not? Obnoxious.
One of your wish list items? A Brabus Rocket.
Where you grew up? Dubai, UAE
The last thing you did? Played Gears Of War 2.. It's friggin' BRILLIANT!
What are you wearing? Grey T-Shirt with a nice drawing of a stick man waving. And chaddis.
Your TV? Downstairs
Your pets? None atm, but come February I will be getting a cat or two.
Your computer? A nice little Toshiba..
Your mood? Calm. Not pensive though..
Missing someone? :)
Your car? Car? Who me? I'm poor, no car..
Something you're not wearing? Tightie Whities.. It's been awhile.
Favourite drink? Water
Your summer? Good first half, not so much the second..
Love someone? :)
Your favourite colour? Blood red / maroon
When was the last time you laughed? A bunch of times today. I like to keep things on the uppity up..
When was the last time you cried? ??
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Repo: The Genetic Opera
The lovely Miss Sana Syed showed this to me and, believe you me, I can not WAIT to feast my eyes on this...
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Ballads of M: I'm a J. On occasion.
You know what I realized? I'm not very.. arty. I can't write a poem with deep meanings. I can't paint a beautiful picture, rich with subtext. I can't quote famous artists and renaissance - era philosophers. I can't write a small paragraph on infinity or time and space. I can't woo a person with my deep thought and intellect. What does that make me? I've always thought I had the ability to express myself in a very detailed, well - worded and thoughtful manner, but there are times when I think of myself as a machine that only spits out what it's been programmed to read.
I recently did a test during one of my lectures back at University. It was during the only class that I actually enjoy, MGT 204: Legal Environments in Business. The test was about ethics and protocol and was used to define where your approach to life is logical and based on facts or emotional with hasty judgments.
There were 9 questions, each with 2 choices, and you had to pick one. Based on what you picked for those 9 questions, you were awarded either a 'J' grade or a 'C' grade. The questions were interesting and some of them tore at your conscience. Questions like, is it worse to be unfair or partial? Or, if you were ordered to do something by a superior that you knew would hurt a co-worker, would you do it? Or, is it worse to be honest and hurt someone, or lie to them and protect their feelings?
I answered all 9 questions. My score:
J: 8
C: 1
By an overwhelming majority, I was a J. What's a J? A J is a person who acts according to facts and has his moral and ethical priorities well defined. While a J keeps these priorities in mind, he will always look at the greater good or the bigger picture before making a decision. A J is someone who knows that if by doing the right thing, he or she will hurt someone, he or she will accept that eventuality and go ahead with it, prepared to face the consequences of his or her action.
Some of these questions really rattled my conscience and I had to pick carefully. Some of these questions I realized, as I picked the J answer, that it would be emotionally a hard thing to do for me, but that's what needs to be done. Because that's what was right. So I wasn't surprised when it turned out that I was... am.. a J.
However, the one question in which I got a 'C' grade apparently rendered a whole different interpretation. The question was:
What is worse?
- Stealing something of value from someone for no reason.
- Breaking a promise that you made to a friend.
After the test was over, the professor asked to see me in her office, and that's where she told me that the test was really a test to map out a person's thought patterns. Each answer holds a different interpretation based on the results of all the other answers. When she saw my results, she wanted to talk to me and show me the interpretation. What looked like a simple test, turned out to have a very complex answer matrix. While the test was barely a page long, the answer matrix was a 380 page book, listing out all possible combinations and their interpretations. According to my professor, while I believe in logic and fairness and have that sense of deciphering a situation into what's right and what's wrong, because I picked this option, it proved that there is an overwhelming part of my subconscious that picks emotionally, but it rarely overpowers my ability to keep my focus. The only time that it will overpower my logical decision making is when I know that I will overtly hurt a person or his or her feelings.
She said the weird thing about my answer key is that it contradicts the very base of a 'J' personality. Someone with this answer key is defined as, 'an individual who can compartmentalize emotions from situations but still allows them to be a minor contributing factor in his decision making process, hereby rendering himself unpredictable on occasion. His understanding of the ethics of a situation is what drives him or her to make a logical decision, yet, have the least ethical or moral collateral damage.'
So I'm a J. Sometimes.
I guess, at the end of it all, while I regret that the artistic side to me and my personality is as lively as a cadaver, I can take solace in the truth that when faced with an issue, at the very least I won't be unfair and emotional. I might not be artistic, but my strength lies in my ability to understand and decipher.
And well, to be quite honest, the one artistic capability that I do have is something that I am very grateful for.
The Ballads Of M
Saturday, November 08, 2008
The Catch Up Part 1: Pune (And India in general..)
Now that I'm back I'm gonna write a few updates on stuff that I've been wanting to write about but couldn't due to the lack of continuos internet.
Part 1 is about my trip to India (minus the actual flight there)
For someone who was VERY adamant that he does not want to go and would not enjoy himself, I should try and get my foot out of my mouth, because I had an absolute BLAST.
We flew in at Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Bombay and within the hour left for Pune, my home city. Now that I'm a bit older than the last time I went I guess I appreciated Pune a lot more.
Pune (pronounce 'poo-nay') was anexxed to British India in 1817 where it served as a cantonment. A cantonment theoretically means a temporary or semi-permanent military quarters. Now, because of this there's a lot of older, many centurion, buildings and places in Pune. In fact, in the area that I have a house in, Pudumjee Park, you have a lot of ex - military people living there. My immediate locality has over 10 to 15 structures that are easily over 80 years old, some of them even crossing a hundred. Mansions like, 'Emily Villa,' and , 'Faith Mansion' are some of the bigger ones and are barely a stone's throw from my window.
After the brits left, Pune was no longer a cantonment, however it remained a military city and over time became one of the largest military cities in India. Pune is home to the NDA, or, the National Defence Academy. Basically, soldier-school. You wanna join the military, navy or air-force and become an officer? Go to Pune. Wanna join Military Intelligence? Go to Pune. Pune is also home to the AFMC or the Armed Forces Medical College, so it trains doctors for all three branches. The College also has a nursing branch. The College of Military Engineering is in Pune along with Defence Institute of Advanced Technology and the Armament Research and Developement Authority.
I started this swell little idea where I took pictures of all the old buildings I could find. I got the idea when I stumbled across a really old building, with it's own yard and everything. Outside there was a nice little sign that read, 'Private Propoerty: Keep Off!' . I did not, and proceeded to walk right in. Turns out, that the building (which looked like a large cottage with a driveway) was a Counselling Center for Medical Mission Sisters. It belonged (and was donated by) a Mr. and Mrs. Mothiwala. I found their name on a nice little plaque on the wall. Right at the driveway was an old hobo who'd made that part of the structure his (current?) home. As I continued to explore the center, I found a VERY old motorbike, easily two to three times my current age. And, I was quite surprised to see a friendly little cat that walked right up to my feet and started rolling around next to them. Needless to say, I took pictures of everything. When I reached to the side, I found that the locks were missing and the windows were open. I went up close and saw that there were clothes drying inside. Soon, after which I heard sounds and saw a few people walk past. My initial reaction was, 'OH SHIT THERE ARE PEOPLE STILL LIVING HERE!' . After I calmed down a little, I checked further. The people inside were just more hobos. The building was clearly abandoned, and now, runover by hobos.
The structure was so rustic and old, yet so beautiful that it inspired me to take pictures of it. However a Sony Ericsson K850i wasn't the best tool for the job, but I went ahead either way. Here was where I decided to document all the old things in the city. Unfortunately I wasn't able to because of a time constraint. But I still will talk about the places I visited.
Pune is home to India's Military's Southern Command. So, needless to say, there's still a lot of military presence in Pune. Inside the old cantonment limits, everything is governed by a municipal arm of the military. You have Officers' Messes, Troop Bunkers, War Memorials, arsenals, and anything else military. A part of Pune's called 'Camp' and that's basically where majority of the military is based. It's still civilian soil so, hundreds of people live in it and thousands pass through it every day. Still, seeing a tank sitting on the soil next to the road or seeing an APC lumber by filled with troops is an almost everyday occurrence in that part.
I also visited the synagogue in Pune again. This time I had more kahunas than the last time so I actually went further in and into the 'gogue. Easily over 75 years old, the place was covered with dust and there was a wall which was primarily a large shelf. On it were hundreds or thousands of old, dusty books. It looked right out of any, 'Exorcist' church, only it was a synagogue. Outside, there was a big yard and in the back there were actually 2 crypts. Unfortunately for me the crypts had locks on them and so I couldn't exactly see what (or, more correctly, who) was inside.
Pune is also a major educational hub in India. Boasting over two hundred educational institutes and nine major Universities, it is a city of choice for many people within India and even to those who fly in from abroad. Fergusson College, Bharatiya Vidyapeet, SYMBIOSIS, University of Pune, Wadia University, Institute of Armament Technology etc.
Pune is awesome.
So that was Pune. Spent some time in Bombay and some time in Mahableshwar too. The latter is a hill station not far from Pune. Nice little spot to go to for awesome weather and brilliant scenery.
Besides all the cool places, I did other stuff as well in terms of going around, checking out the local scenes etc etc. so YEAH I had a great time.
So THAT was my update of Pune and my trip to India. Next Catch Up should be up before this week is over, and if we're lucky, all of them should be up :)
Monday, November 03, 2008
Argh. Argh. Argh. And just so I'm clear: Argh.
There's just one more day until the big elections in the US of A, and ideally I'd love to be sitting in my bedroom and watching live updates and cheering on the Dems. Unfortunately, I'm still here and I'll only be back in Dubai on the 7th. Shit.
Secondly, I love it when people make slips they don't realize. Iz ozzum.
I've come down with something terrible since my last post. It's an allergic reaction that has resulted in a full chest (of phlegm thengyooverymuch), sore throat, blocked sinuses, severe ear pain, runny eyes (and nose) and a LOT of cough, headaches and all around discomfort. My asthma's also acted up and I'm having a tough time breathing. Argh. I'd love to get bed rest, but being the last few days in India, we're all packing to get ready to go to Bombay and meeting people and stuff. Either way, this is the worst health I've been in, in a while, and I can't wait to get better.
Still I can't get around the fact that I won't be able to follow the elections live. When we leave to Bombay tomorrow, odds are I won't be able to get online until I hit Dubai.
BUT, I had a really good time here surprisingly enough. Pune, Bombay, Mahableshwar. All'o'that.
Either way, this is M signing off (I think) until I (probably) land in Dubai.
Oh. I just remembered. My laptop's in for servicing in Dubai and I still haven't got the call that it's completed.
Oh well. Desktop.
American Elections,
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