In one of my recent posts, I mentioned that the one thing I'd want to own is a Brabus Rocket. This car has been a dream vehicle for quite some time.....
So when I see it outside my University, I make my first ever vlog..
(Did I mention I'm not an awesome vlogger yet?)
To be brutally honest, this particular model had the trim of a regular CLS 350. Theoretically, the Rocket is supposed to be a Brabus version of the CLS 65 AMG. Although, I guess, it is possible for someone to buy the regular 350 and have it transformed into the Rocket anyway, so it doesn't matter. Although I personally prefer the trim and the rims of AMG.
What I'm also going to do is add another video of the Rocket with it's proper trim as it was tested on, 'Fifth Gear.' Here I guess you'll see a much better version of what I humbly tried to do..
On the right is a picture of the Rocket being used as a police vehicle in the Vatican, making it the fastest police vehicle on the planet..
First of all - wow man! you had a wet dream in broad daylight! :D
secondly it's a merc... so.... *puke*
thirdly.... fifth gear.... *puke* *puke*
Here's a better petrol head program -
Not a bad vblog though ;) talk slower next time :D
Just fyi the fastest police car in the world is the Lamborghini driven by the Italian Polizia! =p but yesh ofcourse I <3 the rocket!
reminds me of fanpark.....except its about cars....
ps: don't shoot infront of the sun.
Probably not interested...
It's not a merc. I hate mercs. It's a BRABUS. I also don't like fifth gear, but Jeremy Clarkson hasn't done anything on the Rocket yet so had to settle with the moron..
And I DO need to talk slower..
The picture of the Police Brabus Rocket is used by the Italian Polizia at the Vatican. It REPLACED the Lamborghini Murcielago over there and took OVER the title as the world's fastest police vehicle. Look it up amatuer :P.
I realized the sun thing only after I took it so meh, but thanks :D.. How does it remind you of the fanpark?
Shoe shopping. ^^
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