Come this day I'm finally legal to do all those things that I will never do. It's an odd achievement really. It's like going through 8 years of medical school and then not become a doctor. I got a lot of messages, wall posts on Facebook all saying, "OMG ur lyk legal n shit so u cn lyk do all dat abuv 21 sht. daym man dat's so kewl.."
After I spent some time deciphering what that meant, it was funny to see that turning 21 for me was no different than turning 19, 20 or when I turn 22. I mean yeah, 18 was a big deal, driver's license and stuff but beyond that I couldn't really care.
This birthday is an odd(er) one because it's the first time I'm celebrating it 'by myself.' I haven't celebrated it that way since I turned 18 and had a party where she showed up. It's odd.
My most memorable birthday ever was my [edit] 20th, [edit] when they (read: she) threw me a surprise party with this big ass custom made card, (which I realize now that I did not blog about it then) and cake and friends and stuff. This birthday was quieter but I must appreciate BARRY (moron :P) for buying me something that I've wanted for some time now. Him, Mareena, Alistan and Ritesh pitched in for it (And I think there are more, just not sure who). They bought me a paintball marker. Specifically a PCS US-5 Field Marker (Equipment -> Ordinance -> US-5 Field Marker). It's olive green (one of my favourite colours) and I love it.
In other news, Sana should be back in town on the 22nd, and for some reason my parents keep asking me about it. While I think it's cool, I think it's also kind of unnerving when your parents seem more excited than you do to meet your best friend.
I'd like to throw out an apology to all my readers for not updating in the last week or so. I blame Twitter. I mean that thing is ADDICTIVE and so much more easier to update than a webpage. But still, now that I'm over the initial twittering shock, I will hopefully spend more time on my blog and resume posting at a more regular pace.
Also, this weeks TWS will be slighly delayed due to crappy internet over here in the UAE. It's been off its mark all day and for some reason Youtube isn't working so I'm kinda stuck as I had a nice little video that I was gonna post. So watch out for it, it should be out within the next 2 days.
The other day I fired up blogger and everything and I had a great something to talk about. I logged in and went straight to the create a post page and was sitting there and got distracted for the slightest of seconds. Moment I turned back to the screen, I had this mental gap in my memory and had completely forgotten what it was that I was going to blog about. Darn it. That's the second time that's happened in one week. Age. It's getting to me.
With that, I'll leave you guys until I remember something to blog about. Cheerio!
Disclaimer: Somewhere on this blog are multiple grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and obscure Star Wars references.
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happy birthday bub. now you can enter clubs legally....and strip clubs, if such exist here hehe....hope you had a good one :)
It was your 20th birthday. Moron.
Once again - Happy birthday..... (I did kinda forget (I did have an hourly alarm reminding me since like 10am).... but Friday was a loooooong day.... more for next time when we talk :P
LOL the jumbo card was on your 20th birthday! FOO!
and why isnt that stoopid hotspot sheild working!! arrg! boredom!!!!
and and your welcome! Now wait for your 22nd for the upgrades! =p
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