Disclaimer: Somewhere on this blog are multiple grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and obscure Star Wars references.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Review: Killzone3 (PS3)

Killzone 3 starts off somewhere which would probable leave you pretty confused; inside the visor of a Helghast. Eventually though, things get back to normal and once again you’re good ol’ Sgt. Sevchenko fighting the good fight against the Helghans.

Initially rumoured to, ‘break the PS3,’ it turns out to be true. Simple things, that aren’t so simple to create, make all the difference. While every strand of grass glints of the mist gathered and with some of the best fire effects I’ve seen, this is the best looking Killzone yet. Unfortunately, this is also one of its drawbacks.

While playing I noticed amateur mistakes. Things going wrong that you wouldn’t expect in a title of Killzone’s caliber. Gun sprites freezing when you reload, confusing the hell outta the player. There were also repeated times where the cutscenes would have the speech all mistimed and messed up. Subtitles were repeatedly incorrect, so while it read something, Sev was really saying something else.

There was a continuity issue that bothered me too. [Warning: Here be spoilers] When Sev destroys Stahl’s cruiser with the nuke, the resulting outbreak, kills everyone in space, around Stahl. How did Sev and Rico survive?

All in all, Killzone 3 delivers quite well, except for a few bugs.

Visual: 8.5/10
Audio: 8.5/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Story: 7.5/10


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