Disclaimer: Somewhere on this blog are multiple grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and obscure Star Wars references.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I have no idea what to call this.

What you're now reading is probably the fifth or sixth time that I've erased what I wrote to try and put down something that would make more sense as an introduction as to what I'm about to say. Same thing applied to the title of this post as I put in more than five or six different titles, but none of them suited me just. I guess I'll just cut to the chase and get on with this article.

There are some misconceptions in this world. Correction: There are a lot. But the ones that I'm about to talk about occur a lot more commonly than most others.

Q1) Is black a colour?

When you go to the stationery store, or a car dealership or a cell phone store or any place where you can buy things of different colours, one of the most common colours available is black. It's the most popular because it looks sleek and cool and whatnot.

But is black really a colour?

Let's see. If you take the complete spectrum you will have a giant white light. When VIBGYOR (Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red) combine you get a dazzling white colour. Now, start taking the colours out one by one, anyway you want. What you'll notice is, that as you continue doing so, the light that you see get's darker and darker with every progessing colour removal. Finally, when you're removed the final colour, all you have is black.

So is black a colour? To get black, we removed all other colours. So black, is not a colour, rather it is the absence of any colour.

Q2) Is cold the exact opposite of heat?

No. It's not. Here's why. Let's assume that cold was the exact opposite of heat. That means for every degree that get's higher, you should be able to go a degree lower. But see you can't. This is why:

It is not physically possible to go beyond 0 degrees Kelvin, or, Absoulte Zero. But, heat can never be limited. It can go higher and hotter, with no theoretical limit. So cold, is not the exact opposite of heat. Rather, cold is the word we use to describe the absence of heat. Heat can only be absent until 0 degrees Kelvin, after which it cannot get any cooler.

Unlike black and white which are pure opposites. Take a black light and a white one. Remove one of the lights from the white light and add that colour to the black one. There will be an equal amount of change on both sides. Do this 7 times and the black light become white, and vice versa. However with temperature, it's not the same.

Let's assume we have 2 solids at 0 degrees Celcius each. (Note: Absolute Zero = -273 degrees Celcius)

One solid we heat, and the other we cool. For each corresponding degree heat the first solid, we cool the other one. Once we've done this 273 times, the respective temperatures will be 273 and - 273 degrees Celcius. Beyond this, the temperature of only the solid being heated can be increased. The other one's temperature can not be reduced any further.

Hence, cold is not the exact opposite of heat, it is merely a term used to descride the degree of lack of heat.

I thus complete one of the worst things I've ever written. I dunno why I wrote this. I dunno why I'm still posting it. Ew. Ew. Ew. I'm gonna go bury my head in sand now.





Em said...

interesting. as for black, it depends if your talking about additive coloring (like inks and dyes) or subtractive coloring (like light). so with those two in mind, black can be and not be a color.

as for cold, it is simply an absence of heat. so it depends what sequential method you use to say if it is the opposite of heat. i don't remember the exact mechanics, but the ordering can go something like cardinal, sequential and yadda yadda. so according to what numbering you choose can you say if heat and cold are opposites.

yes, i am rather bored and awake at 1.30am.

Alt.Ctrl.Del said...

You make an awesome ostrich.

Yes you do.


PS Black is not a color/non-color. It's a philosophy. It's a way of life, man.

PPS I'm kidding. Please don't hurt me.

Anonymous said...

I don't like reading about Sciencey stuff :p

btw, how u been?


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