Disclaimer: Somewhere on this blog are multiple grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and obscure Star Wars references.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Meme a Meme..

I don't normally do meme's but T does them all the time so, nyeh, why not..

Where is your cell phone? On my wallet, which is on the study.
Where is your significant other? Will let you know asap.
You hair colour? Black
Your mum? Watching the telly downstairs..
Dad? Probably the same thing as mum..
One favourite thing? A certain type of weather.. Light rain in the early morning or the wee hours of the night.. :)
Your dream last night? Not a clue.
Your dream goal? Be successful, make those close to me proud of me, and be everything and more for my family..
The room you're in? Mine.. (currently)
Your hobby? Anything video gamey.
Your fear? Losing.. Anything...
Where do you want to be in six years? A nice place in life :)
Where were you last night? In bed early..
What you're not? Obnoxious.
One of your wish list items? A Brabus Rocket.
Where you grew up? Dubai, UAE
The last thing you did? Played Gears Of War 2.. It's friggin' BRILLIANT!
What are you wearing? Grey T-Shirt with a nice drawing of a stick man waving. And chaddis.
Your TV? Downstairs
Your pets? None atm, but come February I will be getting a cat or two.
Your computer? A nice little Toshiba..
Your mood? Calm. Not pensive though..
Missing someone? :)
Your car? Car? Who me? I'm poor, no car..
Something you're not wearing? Tightie Whities.. It's been awhile.
Favourite drink? Water
Your summer? Good first half, not so much the second..
Love someone? :)
Your favourite colour? Blood red / maroon
When was the last time you laughed? A bunch of times today. I like to keep things on the uppity up..
When was the last time you cried? ??






Anonymous said...

I must say blood red is a fascinating colour :D

Btw... since "your" fishes are called fishy.... will your cats be called meow? ;)

Finally - get India to stop kicking England's ass man :P

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