January 2009 is over. The first month of 2009, which I intend to make an awesome year, has been up to par so far, and I'm fairly happy. Exams went well, I'm growing my profile as an MC or Host or Stage Manager, am starting to work in Dad's company more and all around progress in all fields. School reopens on the 8th, so I've got that long to relax before I get back to the University grind.
Unfortunately for me, earlier this month my hard drive was damaged by a dear friend of mine, and the data was unrecoverable and the hard drive was fried. My friend was deeply apologetic, and was sweet enough to reimburse me with a brand new hard drive with the same capacity. Albeit I lost all my data (AND MY MUSIC WTF!!!!) but she's really decent and I couldn't thank her enough. I went to the beach yesterday and gave my old hard drive a burial. The whole nine yards. Toy spade, rocks to mark the grave, sea shells to decorate and everything. T'was an awesome night.
Here is picture of above mentioned grave.
For reasons yet unexplained, the picture refuses to load the right way up, so you're gonna have to tilt your head to your right so see it from the angle that the picture was taken.
So that was yesterday. A lot of guests coming down in the next few days. My eldest brother will be leaving the UAE and heading back to USA for a few years. so we've got a bunch of folks goming down here from all around the place to see him off. My brother from Egypt, an aunt from India, my brother's in-laws, his friends etc etc. A flurry of activity around the house really, and February's probably going to be a busy busy month. A busy and crowded month. Bright side is I get to see the kids and that's always a good thing.
The fact that the kids have grown, means I will have to hide a lot of my stuff. Stuff that can be broken. Stuff that can be dangerous. Stuff that I only have one of and so can't share it with the kids. All these things will have to be hidden if I am to avoid any damages/losses to or of these items as well as to prevent fights amongst the kids.
the 26th of January is the Indian Republic Day, and on that night, I hosted a fashion show at the house of the Consil General of India. It was a part charity part university promortion fashion show, but it was a good one. Met a lot of interesting people there, including the Consul General of India Venu Rajamony, the Consul General of Britain, France, Guineau, China, South Korea, Thailand and many other dignitaries. Also met a fellow Tweeter PKGulati and his wife. Was nice to run into them.
I also took part in a little blogging experiment that T held, and submitted a guest post on the topic of change on his blog. If you haven't already read it, give it a read here.
Either way, that was January 2009 for me. Moving in to February in a couple of minutes or so. Let's keep it going, shall we?
sounds awesome.
no wonder no-one picks up at MAHE. do you know i still haven't gotten my refunded cheques yet? arrrgghhhhh
Mars, it took me a whole month to get mine and that was after going every other day, reminding them to walk ten feet across the hall to pick up a signed letter from the transport department.
Mali's HIDE THE PORN Campaign hath begun.
I guess January '09 was the detox over and done with, and the tough work starts here 'eh?
Also, you see now why I told you to put together a LinkedIn profile - your virtual CV is taking shape...
Sorry I couldn't make the hard drive funeral... I heard it was Awesome! :D
Was there food at the funeral?
If so, I'm gutted that I didn't make it.
Nope! There was no chow. It was quite a somber mood..
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