Disclaimer: Somewhere on this blog are multiple grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and obscure Star Wars references.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My relatively-glorious return!

After a long break, I'm finally done with my papers and am right back on track to getting a go from 2009.

I remember that during my mini-hiatus I had so many things to talk about on a personal level. However now that I'm actually here I can't seem to remember any of those things. I remember thinking to myself, 'Wow, that'll be awesome blog fodder.' But, alas, with age comes weakened memory and at 21 I'm having trouble keeping good post ideas in my mind. I think I'll pull an Al Pacino and carry a small yellow legal pad wherever I go, to record my thoughts. Hmm. Now that I mentioned it, I like the idea.

Now to find a nice tiny yellow legal pad.

I finished my papers yesterday, signing off with MGT-203: Operations Management. I must say that, that paper was the paper that went better than any of the others, which is interesting because it was one of the hardest. The hardest paper was MGT 204: Legal Environments in Business & Corporate Law. I'd rather not talk about that paper. ACC 201: Financial Management went much better than originally expected, so it's safe to say that I'm happy with the way my semester papers fared. Now if only I was actually happy with my University as well.

The first 15 days of 2009 have been ok to say the least. I've been recently cursed with a flurry of material losses and/or damages. At first, my cell phone lost all my messages. Soon after a friend of mine permanently damaged my external hard drive, frying all my data. I've sent that off to a data recovery service and will now hope and pray that it goes well. It makes for an interesting story though.

I walked in to the data recovery place and I met the person I spoke to on the phone. Helped him refresh his memory on my HDD and then he asked me for symptoms. "When you plugged it in, did it make a clicking sound," he asked with this gravely death-ish look on his face. "NO thank GOD," I responded enthusiastically happy that my HDD wasn't giving us the death rattle yet. "Oh good," said the service technician as he continued to jot down some more stuff. "However,' I said, "when I did plug it in, it began spinning and then it would stop and then it would spin again and then it would stop, and that cycle would continue. So it can't be that bad right? I mean it's spinning at least, with no noise."

The technician looked up at me through his ridiculously large numbered glasses and said, "That's actually worse."

At that point I believe I peed a little. "When that happens it means that the HDD detects a malfunction and shuts down. It makes data recovery much harder. I'd give it a 50% chance," he said as he looked at my HDD like it was a pet that was about to be diagonised with animal cancer.

And just today, my Xbox360 finally gave me what every Xbox360 owner dreads to see. It gave me the Red Circle of Doom. Alas, my trusty sidekick will now be taken to a service center and I pray that they can fix it. I *really* can't live without it. The PlayStation 3 just can't fill the void that would be left behind if it were to perish.

With the recent turn of events on my stuff, T advised me not to drive as well. I laughed, but now every time I look at the car I do find myself wondering if it's gonna die on me.

Anyway, the highlight of the year so far has been successful exams and that I love my paintball gun. I don't know why I just typed that in, but it couldn't be helped. I have two other blog posts in the writing. One on the American philosophy of, "People dying is cool, just so long as it ain't us. Or the Israelis." And the other one is on the true fact that there are Israeli support group with no money who do MORE for the Palestinian-Arab cause than the oil-rich corrupt bastard countries of the Middle East have. There are crappy people on both sides of the fence and I intend on busting both of them. While these articles may not be works of pure journalistic genius, I will try and polish them with a dirty napkin as much as I can. Bravo!

In other news, on T's urging I have gotten in touch with the local organizers of the Twestival and come Sunday I will be meeting with them to see what can be done and/or how I can help. Also, less than 2 months from now, I will be the Stage Manager for the annual Dubai Rock Challenge. It'll be my second time working for them, and I LOVE it.

Also, I've come to realize that I've blown off The Weekly Stupids for a LONG time and in fact, my last TWS post was on the 12th of December. That means I blew off FOUR updates, almost a month's worth. I am thoroughly ashamed of myself and will shoot myself through the roof of my mouth at first given opportunity. Starting tomorrow TWS will be back, better than ever. Tsk tsk tsk...

Well, that's about all I can think of saying right now. Over the next 4 days I have 3 posts to complete 2 of them more serious than the remaining third. So Imma take off for now and will talk to you guys later. Be good now children!



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Em said...

it's just one of those weeks eh?

Anonymous said...

btw... I don't quite the concept of the twestival as yet... are people actually going to meet somewhere? Is that stage 2 of the organisation?

I am very very slow this week - dunno why; I needs some brain cells.

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